
Непрерывная термообработка: Углеродное волокно

Углеродное волокно (графитовое волокно) является современным материалом для высокотехнологичных применений. Волокно состоит в основном из атомов углерода в форме тонких нитей примерно 5-10 микрометров в диаметре. Carbolite Gero предлагает три основных типа печей для исследований и производства углеродного волокна.

Выжигание до 800°C

Прекурсоры для углеродного волокна поступают в трубчатую печь с металлической рабочей трубкой для выжигания в противотоке инертного газа.

Карбонизация до 1300°C

В результате карбонизации при температурах до 1300°C в трубчатых печах с керамической рабочей трубкой происходит образование графитоподобных структур.

Графитизация до 2200°C

Для температур выше 1800°C предусмотрено оборудование с водяным охлаждением, графитовыми нагревателями и теплоизоляцией. Происходит окончательная графитизация углеродных волокон при температурах до 2200°C.

Одновременная термообработка нескольких углеродных волокон

До 4 углеродных волокон могут быть термообработаны в печи одновременно.

Печи Carbolite Gero на заказ Примеры

Interior view of custom designed tube furnace up to 2200 °C, with integral compact frame including gas and water supply, separate temperature controller cabinet and flanges for inert gas counter flow, for open operation during inert gas heat treatment of four carbon fibres under inert gas atmosphere. Supplied with separate control cabinet.
Interior view of custom designed 6-zone FZS 13/100/3000 up to 1300°C with 3000 mm heated length and counter flow flanges for inert gas counter flow for open operation during inert gas heat treatment of four carbon fibres under inert gas atmosphere. Supplied with separate control cabinet.

Interior view of custom designed tube furnace up to 2200 °C, with integral compact frame including gas and water supply, separate temperature controller cabinet and flanges for inert gas counter flow, for open operation during inert gas heat treatment of four carbon fibres under inert gas atmosphere. Supplied with separate control cabinet.

Interior view of custom designed 6-zone FZS 13/100/3000 up to 1300°C with 3000 mm heated length and counter flow flanges for inert gas counter flow for open operation during inert gas heat treatment of four carbon fibres under inert gas atmosphere. Supplied with separate control cabinet.

Custom designed manually controlled horizontal graphite heating and insulated tube furnace up to 2200 °C, with integral compact frame including gas and water supply, separate temperature controller cabinet and flanges for inert gas counter flow for open operation during inert gas heat treatment of four carbon fibres under inert gas atmosphere. Supplied with separate control cabinet.
Custom designed 6-zone FZS 13/100/3000 up to 1300°C with 3000 mm heated length and counter flow flanges for inert gas counter flow, for open operation during inert gas heat treatment of four carbon fibres under inert gas atmosphere. Supplied with separate control cabinet.

Custom designed manually controlled horizontal graphite heating and insulated tube furnace up to 2200 °C, with integral compact frame including gas and water supply, separate temperature controller cabinet and flanges for inert gas counter flow for open operation during inert gas heat treatment of four carbon fibres under inert gas atmosphere. Supplied with separate control cabinet.

Custom designed 6-zone FZS 13/100/3000 up to 1300°C with 3000 mm heated length and counter flow flanges for inert gas counter flow, for open operation during inert gas heat treatment of four carbon fibres under inert gas atmosphere. Supplied with separate control cabinet.

Custom designed 8-zone vertical split tube furnace model HTRV-A 16/100/4000 up to 1600°C with 4000 mm heated length. For debinding and sintering of fibres under inert gas atmosphere. The fibres are introduced into the furnace from an inert gas glove box.

Custom designed 8-zone vertical split tube furnace model HTRV-A 16/100/4000 up to 1600°C with 4000 mm heated length. For debinding and sintering of fibres under inert gas atmosphere. The fibres are introduced into the furnace from an inert gas glove box.

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